Bot Setup

If you're a web3 project or private group looking to setup the AthenaSecure bot, it's quite simple. This guide makes the assumption that you have already solidified a deal with the Project Athena team, and your group has been whitelisted for the bot to join (the AthenaSecure bot will leave groups that aren't verified to use it).

Step One: Invite the bot to your verified Telegram group chat

If your project has been added to the verified projects database, the bot will stay in the group chat once invited. Otherwise, it will immediately leave. Please note that this bot, like other bots will NOT work in Telegram channels. It will only work for group chats, supergroups, and chats with topics enabled.

Step Two: Add the bot as an admin

The bot requires administrative privileges to read messages, respond to commands, and handle impersonations, spam, and malicious URLs. Ensure it has access to all permissions.

Step Three: Run the command /autosetup

The autosetup command will automatically add your group chat admins to the database, ensuring that impersonators are promptly banned. If an admin's name is too short, the response will indicate that the admin was not added due to their name char length.

Please ensure your admins' names are at least 6 characters long (the longer the better) in order for them to be added to the database.

Whenever an admin's name changes in the future, or when the admin list changes (new admins, old one removed, etc.), the bot will automatically update the database with the latest information. However, we recommend running /autosetup periodically if your admin list has changed to ensure the information is always correct.

Step Four: Watch the bot do its job

The bot is now set up and actively protecting your community. In a future release, there will be an admin console where you can configure settings for the bot, read message logs and ban history.

Last updated