πToken Distribution
$ATHENA tokens will be distributed through a fair launch on Uniswap.
Symbol: $ATHENA
Max Supply: 1,000,000,000
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Token Liquidity On Launch- 5 ETH and 1,000,000,000 (100%) $ATHENA
Fair Launch Mechanisms
Due to the initial liquidity being 5 ETH, there is a risk of whales accumulating a majority of the supply and overall price volatility. In order to mitigate these risks, the token launch will be accompanied by the following:
maxTokensPerWallet- A method that will limit the maximum number of tokens a wallet can hold, set to 20,000,000 $ATHENA (2%). This limit will be removed automatically by the isLimitEnforced and liquidityThreshold variables
maxWalletLimitEnabled- A boolean that determines whether maxTokensPerWallet is enforced
WALLET_LIMIT_THRESHOLD- A defined liquidity threshold in the contract that must be met before maxWalletLimitEnabled is set to false, effectively disabling maxTokensPerWallet
On top of the default 3% tax, where 1% is allocated to LP/farms, an additional 2% tax will be implemented at launch to increase liquidity until LIQUIDITY_TAX_THRESHOLD is met, at which point it will then be automatically disabled
Code snippet below, outlining the liquidity adding function in the contract that updates the totalEthAddedToLiquidity, which will disable maxWalletLimitEnabled and liquidity tax when met:
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